Whether you are stationed in the US or abroad, the Army Travel Assistance Center (ATAC) can help you to plan and execute your travel. The ATAC is an agency of the Department of Defense that provides financial assistance to the military for travel-related expenses.

Whether you are an Army National Guard member or an active duty military service member, you may be wondering how much the Army reimburses for travel. There are several different types of benefits, and they all vary by the service branch. You should familiarize yourself with these before you decide to take advantage of the Army’s travel benefits.

The Prime Travel Benefit provides reimbursement for a reasonable mode of transportation, including airfare, if the trip qualifies. However, the amount of money you are reimbursed for depends on the distance and type of transportation you use. Before booking airfare, you must notify the Prime Travel Benefit office of your planned trip. If your transportation is approved, you will receive the full amount of reimbursement.

In addition to monetary allowances in lieu of transportation, the Department of Defense also offers relocation allowances. These allow you to pay for the cost of your move from your home to your new duty station. These are available to members who travel by car, public transportation, or by private conveyance. The Department of Defense will reimburse you for the mileage of your vehicle, but you must keep track of the expenses you incur while you are traveling.

If you are moving from your permanent duty station to another CONUS base, you can receive a monetary allowance in lieu of transportation (TLE). This will compensate you for the miles you travel from your old duty station to your new station. The total combined cost of travel can be at most $290 a day.

If you are moving from one CONUS base to another, you can expect to receive a monetary allowance in lieu of travel for 10 days. You can extend this for an additional 60 days.

What is a travel voucher in the army?


Generally speaking, a travel voucher is a form used to receive reimbursement for travel. It is an electronic document that contains the following: a travel authorization number, a cost of transportation, per diem allowances, and other pertinent information.

A travel voucher can be used to claim lodging and meals. Normally, the cost of lodging is the portion of the per diem allowance that can be reimbursed. Depending on the location and the military branch, there are varying rules.

A travel voucher can also be used to claim other expenses. These include the dislocation allowance (DLA), which pays for part of a traveler’s moving costs. The DLA rate is based on the rank of the traveler and is designed to compensate the traveler for traveling from their permanent duty station to a new duty location.

Using a travel voucher to make a payment is not as simple as one may think. The traveler must ensure that they are receiving the right amount of pay. Some common allowances include the locality incidental expenses rate, privately owned conveyance mileage rate, and the locality meal rate.

A travel voucher can be created by a User/Traveler or by a travel clerk. A travel clerk is an officer responsible for creating and filing travel documents for travelers. A Travel Clerk can digitally sign a voucher but must first have the correct authorization for each traveler.

The Defense Travel System (DTS) includes the tame Accesssion Travel and the aforementioned Travel Authorization Number. The Travel Authorization Number is a six-character document identifier that is attached to authorized travel documents. The DTS provides an electronic form that can be used for administrative purposes as well as for claiming official travel expenses.

How much do you get for a TDY?

Getting a TDY (Temporary Duty Assignment) can be a great way to get a break from your normal routine. It also gives you the chance to save some cash and add some extra money to your bank account. However, knowing what you’re getting for a TDY is important. Talking to your financial office or your command before you incur costs is a good idea.

A TDY is usually issued for a short period of time, such as a couple of days to a few months. It can be used as an add-on to a PCS, schooling or a special assignment for the military. It can also be used for career specialties that require frequent travel.

TDY orders can be accompanied by family members. If you plan to accompany your family, check with your financial office or your command before you incur additional expenses. Depending on your family’s needs, they may be included in your per diem or travel-related expenses. If you’re planning on cooking meals for your family, it’s important to factor these into your TDY budget. You may be entitled to an exception if you have religious or dietary restrictions.

There are several different types of TDY Travel orders, each with its own characteristics and entitlements. Before you incur costs, you should discuss your TDY with your command, financial office, or your Authorizing Official.

You can expect your per diem allowance to range from $157 a day for CONUS (Contiguous United States) to over $800 a day for OCONUS (Other Continental United States). If you’re in a hurry, having your financial office approve overages before you travel is a good idea.

How do I get reimbursed for PCS?


Getting reimbursed for PCS at the Army Travel Assistance Center (ATAC) requires some attention to detail. This includes a review of your entitlements, an update on your status, and a completion of DD Form 1351-2. You will also receive a travel voucher based on the information you provide. The resulting claim for reimbursement may take up to two weeks to process.

The Department of Defense website has a section dedicated to the Foreign Transfer Allowance. This pays for hotel expenses in the United States and meals while traveling to and from the United States. The per diem rate for en route travel is based on the Standard CONUS per diem rate. You must provide itemized receipts to receive this benefit.

The Prime Travel Benefit is another option available to NMAs. This fancy-schmancy program will pay you for travel expenses on the most cost-effective routes to and from your new post. The program is not available to active duty service members or spouses of active duty members. The program requires you to call ahead before you book your airfare. If you have dependents, they may be eligible for a reimbursement for their transportation costs.

The military also offers an Advance Travel Payments program that covers the expenses associated with airfare and lodging. You may qualify for these benefits under several different entitlements. If you are still determining if you are entitled, ask your local pay office. They will be able to answer your questions.